Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Spring cleaning in blogland

I have FINALLY decided to set aside some time to actually pay attention and spend time on my blog.  I got rid of that awful awful rainbow background (why did no one reprimand me for that??) and streamlined the million things I had in the column to the right.  I can't believe how long I left it in that awful state.  I'm 28 for crying out loud; rainbows are for 5 year olds (maybe it was a reflection of my mental age?)

It's still a WIP as I plan to make a graphic banner and streamline the colours (you know you have OCD when you can't sleep at 1am because you're thinking about the slightly different shades of pink you have on your blog).  I'm also going to do some interesting HTML stuff to jazz this page up.

I also moved the blogs I was following from blogger to bloglovin and was saddened to find so many blogs are now retired.  I'm glad some bloggers are still blogging but the vast majority have moved on.  The honeymoon is well and truly over!

Any feedback on the blog facelift?  Anything you absolutely hate?


  1. I like it. Nice and simple.

    I've also noticed lots of blogs I followed have now stopped.

    1. It's sad isn't it? I'm glad you're still blogging though :)

  2. Looks good! Much better. Were you avoiding something? I'm really good at doing random things to my blog, or random jobs like cleaning the pantry when I'm procrastinating! X

    1. Hahaha actually no not procrastinating/avoiding something else. I just thought enough is enough, pull ya finger out and put effort into this :)

  3. it's lovely kay ! I like how your loubs made the banner :)

    1. Of course! They are an integral part of my life (sad as that is....)

  4. I like rainbows, in fact we had rainbow cake today. :P

    With the banner to me the text doesn't stand out enough because there's too much going on in the background. I would perhaps greyscale the background?

    1. Yeah I totally get what you're saying. I really need to get some decent photo editing software so I can do it properly. Android photo editing apps just don't cut it :(

  5. I just thought you were a bright optimistic person who liked pink from your previous blog design. ;) I do like the new one. Softer colours mean calmer readers. I know what you mean about the retired blogs tho. Me sad too, but I'll be around for a few more years yet.

    1. I DO like pink, but the rainbow plus bright pink is just too much. Yay that you'll still be around.

  6. The new blog look is awesome Kay, sometimes its nice to have a fresh new look. I love the clean design and gorgeous blog banner.

    1. Thankyou lovely. A change just feels nice :)


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