Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Re-purposing Glasshouse and other glass jars

I love re-purposing glass jars, especially pretty/unique glass jars.

My work colleague V gifted me this empty bottle which is an old port bottle.  Sadly there was no port left in it when I got it :(  I washed it out thoroughly and filled it with olive oil and chili flakes to make chili oil.

I used the oil to cook a steak last night - it needs more chili.  I need to buy some dried chili to add to the bottle to give it more of a kick.  This chili oil would also be great for frying any pasta topping.  If I can get my hands on another bottle I'd love to make a herb oil - maybe rosemary in extra virgin olive oil to use for salads?

I've also amassed a few empty Glasshouse candle jars which I've re-purposed in my bedroom and bathroom.

How do you re-purpose glass  jars?


  1. I should give you some chillies. I've got a million and it doesn't really work when cooking for small children.

    1. Do you have your own chilli plant? I'd love to have one!

  2. I use my Bodyworks candle jars the same way, got one on my bedside table for all my night stuff -hand cream, lip balm etc.
    I got really tiny ones I have no idea what to do with them

    1. How tiny are the tiny ones? Can you use them to store bobby pins?

  3. I'm pretty much useless with glasshouse jars. My candle burns are fails and the glass jar gets all black.

  4. Love using my empty Glasshouse jars about the traps! Current fave is filling them with colorful Nespresso pods x


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