Tuesday, 12 February 2013

What to bake (and eat) when you don't like sweets

I don't really eat sweets even though I'm more than happy to bake them and bring them to a lunch/dinner.  I was inspired to make this cake by Jharna from Baking Myself Happy (and also because my flatmate came home with 9 limes... really?  9??).  I found a recipe on Taste (not the one Jharna used as that one's not up yet) and decided to make it for Tom's grandparents.

The original recipe is here but I adjusted it slightly.  I used just under 1 cup sugar for the cake and only the rind of one lime for the syrup (but I still used the lime from 3 juices).  This cake is really not sweet at all, and the lime syrup cuts through the small amount of sugar there is.  If you prefer (normal) sweeter cakes, I would use 1.5 or 2 cups of sugar.

Slight crack in it which I successfully covered with the lime rind/syrup


  1. Looks delish Kay! I love sweets and lime flavoured ones especially :)

  2. Looks great though. I'm not a sweets person either.
    Gimme noodles anytime/anyday.

    1. Haha Ling in our house, we now officially refer to Noodles as 'Noo noo'. Thanks D!


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